miura hanto

don't know about you, but I filled my international internet-free sunday with a walk along the coast of the miura peninsula with tomo, pieter and kana, lots of birds of prey and kitesurfers.
for a late lunch, we walked up to a small port, where waving hands invited us inside the clubhouse of what looked like the local guild of independent fishermen's women. for the hawaii style new year's party, with live music and well prepared flower dances.

intriguing how in the end those really local habits are the same all over the world. the faces of the women, the group dynamics, the way everyone is prepared and bound to have a good time ("there's only one new year's party a year" said one of the ladies to kana, while adjusting her make-up in the bathroom mirror) - we could perfectly picture similar scenes in a random parochial center in flanders.

kana and pieter, a little mashed after classic onsen at the end of the day. in a hotel this time, close to the southern tip of the peninsula, with a well designed outdoor bath, overlooking sagami bay under darkening skies.
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